How it all began
As a child I was never taught that spirits were not real or that you cannot feel, hear or see them from time to time. I grew up thinking that everyone believed in ghosts and that it was perfectly normal to coexist with them.
My Paternal grandmother always “knew” things, she seemed to know what my siblings and I were doing and thinking at all times, when we asked her how she knew she would simply state “A little bird told me” consequently I had visions of a little yellow bird perched on the window seal telling Grandma Nana everything, including those things I did not want her to know.
As a result of never being told out of the ordinary things were not real I have always accepted and embraced the things that go bump in the night, or day as the case may be.
I have a love of all things old, old people, old houses, old furniture and so on. I have a love of history and my favorite activities include walking through old graveyards, touring old houses, tracing my ancestors and spending the night in haunted hotels.
Whenever I travel I search for haunted hotels in the area, in the event I cannot find a haunted hotel I look for historical ones, after all perhaps there are undocumented ghosts residing there.
Because everyone that knows me is aware of my haunted hotel obsession I now get numerous messages about places I should visit and stay. My mother continues to encourage me to write a book about the places I have been, and so as a way to keep track of my notes I have decided to start a blog about my trips as a way of compiling my memories and experiences in one place with the goal of putting them together in a book.
I hope you will enjoy my past and future journeys with me.
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