Anchorage Ghost Tours
Richard and I went on date night last night; someone I work with had left me a flyer for the Anchorage Ghost Tours so I thought why not check it out and maybe learn something new. Right off one thing I really loved about this tour was the guide who said “I am a history buff” he was not there to dazzle us with effects in the hope of scaring someone, instead he told us stories about different locations and the ghosts who may still reside there. He had done his research on each place we visited and was knowledgeable about the history and the reported ghost sightings. Some of the stories I knew, like the police chief I wrote about in my Historical Anchorage Hotel post and the lady in the bathroom at the Captain Cook Hotel, but others were totally new to me. We started our tour in front of the Snow City Café, it is said to have a spectacular breakfast and to be haunted so we will be returning to eat sometime soon. In the 1970’s this building w...